
Thursday, October 23, 2008

tonteria de codigo

if ( rick.mode() == "simple" )
rick.dice( fraseTonta( random()*255 ) );
rick.dice( "mm" );

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

La biblia del Staffo

Este post me lo mandaron directamente desde australia, gracias a hugo mandármelo :

The Techie Bible


In the beginning there was the Stage, and the Stage was without lights or sets, and darkness was on the faces of the actors. And the Technical Director said, "Let there be Lights!" and the Techies worked and wired, and there were lights. Spotlights and specials, areas and backlighting - yea, lights of all shapes, sizes and hues. And the TD saw the lights, that they were well aimed and focused, gelled according
To the scene, and no more was there darkness on the faces of the actors. And it was good. And the evening and the morning were the First Day.

And the TD looked upon the actors and saw that although they walked in light, they did walk upon a bare stage, and had no place to be, and the TD was moved to pity. And the TD said, "Let there be a Set!": and the Techies scrambled and worked, and there was a set, with platforms, wagons, stairs, and furniture of various types and sized, each according to the need. And the actors did walk within the set, and did have a place to be. And the TD saw the set, that it was good, and the evening and the morning were the Second

And the TD saw the actors, that although they did have a place to be, they did look like fools, for they waved their hands, clutched at open air, and struck each other with nothing. And in his heart, the TD was moved to pity. And the TD said, "Let there be Props!": and the Techies worked feverishly and
did buy and build, and there were props. And they were good, and the evening and the morning were the Third Day.

And the TD looked upon the actors, and saw that they did go forth in blue jeans and the TD knew that this would not due. And the TD said, "Let there be Costumes!": and the Techies did cut and sew and shape, and there were costumes, each sized to the actor, according to the play, and keeping in with the role. And no more did the actors go forth in blue jeans, and the TD saw the costumes, that they were good, and the evening and the morning were the Fourth Day.

And the TD watched the play, and saw that the actors did wait in silence, and was moved to pity. And the TD said, "Let there be Sound!": and the Techies worked and taped, and there were sounds, each according to its place and cue, all at the proper levels. And the TD heard the sounds, that they were good, and the evening and the morning were the Fifth Day.

And lo, all these works were completed in five days, showing that if God had used sufficient Techies in the first place, He would have finished sooner.


Remember always that the TD is never wrong. If appears that he is, then you obviously misunderstood him the first time.

Remember always that thou art a Techie, born to walk the dark places of the stage, and know the secret ways of thy equipment. To your hands it is given to mold the dreams and thoughts of they that watch, and to make the Stage a separate place and time. Seek not, as do the actors, to go forth in light upon the stage, for though they strut and talk and put on airs, their craft does truly depend on you, to shape the dreams that they would show.

My friends be not deceived by deluded actors masquerading as Techies. Remember always the signs by which thou shalt recognize a true Techies: they move softly during scene changes, not stumbling or falling; they are silent backstage and are aware of what is happening; they can speak with knowledge of Tools; they respect another's job and aid where they can; they do not just stand and watch. Amen.

Give not unto the actor his props before his time, for as surely as the sun does rise in the East and set in the West, he will lose or break them.

When told the placement of props by the Director, write not these things in ink upon thy script for as surely as the winds blow, so shall he change his mind.

Speak not in large words to actors, for they are slow of thought and are easily confused.

Speak not in the language of the Techie to actors, for they are uninitiated, and will not perceive thy meaning.

Tap not the head of a nail to drive it, but strike it firmly with thy strength.

Keep holy the first performance, for afterwards you shall party.

Keep holy the last performance, for afterwards you shall party.

Leave not the area of the stage during the play to go and talk with the actors, for as surely as you do, you will be in danger of missing your cue and being summarily executed or worse.

Beware of the actors during scene changes, for they are not like unto you and are blind in the dark.

Beware of actors when flying in walls, for they will stand and watch and get crushed.

Take not thy cues before their time, but wait for the proper moment to do so.

Take pity on the actors, for in their roles they are as children, and must be led with gentle kindness. Thus, endeavor to speak softly and not in anger.

Listen carefully to the instructions of the Director as to how he wants things done - then do it the right way. In the days of thy work, he will see thy wisdom, give himself the credit, and rejoice.

And above all, get carried away not with the glow-tape, or thy stage will be like unto an airport.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008


Hola!! añadí un par de cosilllas simpáticas a mi blogg.... uhh el regreso de los gadgets... y creo que lo seguiré haciendo.... así que sigan en contacto

Monday, October 06, 2008

Un episodio más

Episodio X
Un episodio más

Si, parece que tengo flojera de escribir un episodio más a esta historia pero no la tengo. Sencillamente he dejado de ver esa luz que tengo dentro de mí. Los días han dejado de ser extraordinarios, las mañanas llenas de sol, los atardeceres mágicos. Ya no siento a mi lado el calor de la niña a la que tanto quiero; es más creo que ya no la quiero. Suena ridículo saliendo de mi boca porque no es cierto. Detrás de estas orgullosas palabras hay algo más triste; dejé de sentir mi corazón. No sé si estoy bien o mal, no sé si estoy arriba o abajo, que si mi vida es un sueño o el sueño mi vida. Estoy inmerso en el oceáno los caprichos del amor. Tan sencillo o tan complicado como que estoy perdido.

Ya no estoy triste porque sé que puedo sonreír, no estoy daltónico, vislumbro más allá de la luz y su sombra. En verdad, no sé si soy realmente yo. Me esfuerzo por olvidarla, más en sueños la retengo; me esfuerzo por atraerla pero pareciera que es inalcanzable. Hay días en que realmente quisiera crear magia de nuevo, encender ese deseo de pasar cada instante de mi vida con ella y en ella. No es posible, lo sé, esa etapa de nuestras vidas ha concluido. Ya no puedo intentarlo solo, tendría que ser con ella, creando día a día esos sentimientos que nos hacen ver la vida más hermosa de lo que es. Creo que debo de agradecerle profundamente que las cosas tengan un sentido, incluso ahora he dejado de ver los días grises, las cosas frías, la vida imposible. A pesar de ello mi corazón sigue perdido, deambulante, buscando una tierra para sí.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Yo y mis problemas

Yo crei k tenia pedos pero descubri que mis pedos son en realidad los que tiene tooodo el mundo... hehe... cito

"(...)El que representará mayor riesgo para el continente americano será el huracán LAURA, que se podría formar entre el 7 y el 15 de septiembre, y tendrá una trayectoria hacia el Mar Caribe, que es una zona de riesgo para las costas mexicanas, explica el analista"

"(...)y ahora se espera que el huracán Laura, que se producirá a mediados de septiembre, podrían tener consencuencias importantes para los habitantes del país"

so.. no soy yo...